Above on the page there are several PDF Manuals for VALPADANA Tractors.
VALPADANA was born in 1935 near Reggio Emilia in San Martino in Rio.
Specialized in the construction of agricultural machinery, from the first motor mowers to the first walking tractor, it story followed the evolution of the use of machinery in agriculture.
In 1960 the first four-wheel drive tractor is born, which forces the VALPADANA name and brand to the attention of all operators in the sector.
In 1995 the Morra family, through the holding company of Argo S.p.A. acquires 100% of VALPADANA.
In 1998 the new 9500 and Jupiter ranges, isodiametric and compact tractors from 35 to 50 hp, go into production.
2002 product ranges also extended as a function of the relaunch of the VALPADANA brand with the 1200 - 1300 - 1600 Series.
In 2000, Valpadana's determined march towards the completion and renewal of the range continues.
The VP9600 series officially enters production in the steering and articulated versions, reversible. The new VP6600 series with Euro 3 engines and new restyling presented at Agrilevante.
The VP6400 range completed with the ISM version and the 47 and 60 hp.
In 2010 presented the new VP4600 series with 46 hp engine, the cab version on the articulated VP9600 series and the first natural gas powered tractor awarded the signaling award EIMA 2010 technical innovation.