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SCHAFFER Loader Manuals PDF

Schaffer 2020 2345 Compact Loader Specification
Schaffer 2020 2345 Compact Loader Specs
Schaffer 2020 2345 Compact Loader Specif
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.8 MB
Schaffer 2345T 9660T Tele Wheel Loader Specification
Schaffer 2345T 9660T Tele Wheel Loader Specs
Schaffer 2345T 9660T Tele Wheel Loader S
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.5 MB
Schaffer 4350 Loader Steering Hydraulics Parts Catalogue
Schaffer 4350 Loader Steering Hydraulics Parts Catalog
Schaffer 4350 Loader Steering Hydraulics
Adobe Acrobat Document 84.4 KB

Schaffer 2034 Compact Loader
Schaffer Loader

Features of Schaffer 9310T & 9330T Loaders

Above on the page there are several PDF Manuals for SCHAFFER Loaders.


A distinctive feature of the telehandlers of the German company Schaffer 9330 T and 9310 T is their high performance.


Excellent ergonomics play an important role in ensuring efficient work.


The machines combine the ability of a telehandler to lift loads to the desired height with the good visibility and maneuverability of a traditional wheel loader.


Schaffer telehandlers are equipped with the new SCV cab.


Operator safety and efficiency are enhanced by the excellent visibility of the work area provided by the fully glazed cab.


Accuracy and ease of control over all functions provides the driver with an easy-to-use joystick. The steering column is adjustable in height and angle.

Due to the improved tightness of the engine compartment and the design features of the cab, the noise level has significantly decreased.


The operating weight of the Schaffer 9330 T is 6 t and the 9310 T is 6.5 t.


Tipping load - 3.4 tons, maximum lifting height - 5.25 m.


The Schaffer 9330 T and 9310 T telehandlers equipped with a Deutz diesel power unit with a high pressure common rail system with a capacity of 95 kW and 75 kW respectively.


The stability of loaders during excavation provided by a rear axle with independent suspension.


Both machines can equipped with additional attachments, which increases the versatility of their use.

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