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LANDINI Tractor Manuals PDF

Landini Tractors Spare Parts Manual
Landini Tractors Spare Parts Manual
Landini Tractors Spare Parts Manual PDF.
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History of Landini Tractors

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In 1884, in the Italian commune of Fabbrico, in the province of Reggio Emilia, Giovanni Landini founded a company with an interesting name: Fabbrica di Attrezzi Agricoli ed Enologici.


In 1934, the production of the Superlandini tractor model launched, which boasted a 48 horsepower engine.


Already in 1935, the younger 25 strong model called Vélite rolled off the assembly lines of Landini. The tractor weighed 2300 kg and had a wider range of applications.


In 50s the company marked by the appearance of tractors with 2-stroke engines: from the small L25 to the most powerful L55 at that time.


Over time, 2-stroke engines replaced by diesel engines, which had better performance.

In 1959 Massey Ferguson Limited purchases 100% of Landini shares. Thanks to this, Landini tarktors gained access to the most advanced and innovative technologies. At the same time, the brand identity and its features were preserved.


In 1989 the ARGO S.p.A. holding redeems 66% in Massey Ferguson, and since 2000 becomes the owner of all 100% of Landini shares. 1991 marks the opening of a subsidiary in France - Landini Tracteurs S.A.


In the period from 1994 to 1996, the company made a number of successful operations: an agreement concluded with the Japanese company ISEKI, the purchase of Valpadana, which specializes in small-scale mechanization, made.


In 1999 Landini opens branches in the USA, Canada, South Africa and Australia.


The following year, Landini buys from Case the rights to the McCormick brand with the Doncaster plant, which automatically becomes part of the ARGO S.p.A. holding.

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