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KRONE Combine Manuals PDF

Krone Big X 1180 Combine Parts Catalog
Krone Big X 1180 Combine Parts Catalogue
Krone Big X 1180 Combine Parts Catalog P
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.3 MB
Krone Big X 530 Combine Operator's Manual
Krone Big X 530 Combine Operator's Manual
Krone Big X 530 Combine Operator's Manua
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.2 MB
Krone Big X 600 700 770 Combines Operator's Manual
Krone Big X 600 700 770 Combines Operator's Manual
Krone Big X 600 700 770 Combines Operato
Adobe Acrobat Document 17.0 MB

Krone Big X 580 Combine
Krone Big X 1100 Combine

Features of Krone Big X 1180 Combine

Above on the page there are several PDF Manuals for KRONE Combine Harvesters.


20 years ago, when starting the development of a new combine, KRONE designers visited the main factories in Germany and learned what suits the specialists in forage harvesters and what they would like to change.


These studies formed the basis for the design features of the line of forage harvesting equipment.


Now the machines of the KRONE company presented in 3 segments: these are basic models of combines with a capacity of 480 to 630 hp, time-tested machines with a capacity of 700 to 1100 hp. and a line of high-performance equipment with a capacity from 680 to 1180 hp.


The new KRONE BiG X 1180 combine powered by a 12-cylinder, 24-liter Liebherr 1156 hp engine. is not only the flagship of the range, but also the strongest and most productive forage harvester in the world.

The KRONE BIg X combine has a main diesel tank with a capacity of 930 liters, plus an additional one for 170 liters.


On modern models, according to environmental requirements, a container for a urea solution of 150 liters is provided.


The preservative application system includes an integrated coarse metering system from 0.5 to 7.5 liters per minute, which can optionally be linked to the CropControl system for yield-sensitive metering.


The 275 L tank located on the right platform, in addition, the left tank can be used.

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