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Hurlimann Tractor
Hurlimann Tractors

Features of Hurlimann Tractors

Above on the page there is a PDF Manual for HURLIMANN Tractors.


Hurlimann is a part of SDF Group.


Hürlimann tractors are of high quality, have a pleasant appearance and for this reason they are nicknamed the little Rolls Royce.


Such a nickname stuck to these tractors in the fifties. It all started in 1929 and then few people would have thought to compare the Hürlimann tractor with the Rolls Royce.


The first devices of the company looked like a mixture of a sheaf binder and a sewing machine.


The company's founder, Hans Hürlimann, was born in 1901 in Wil, Switzerland.


His family was farming and large, nine children.


Only rural labor young Hans was not to his liking. He often ran to the railway station, looked at the locomotives, liked to watch how this equipment was serviced.


When it came time to choose a profession, Hans went to Maschinenfabrik A. HOEGGER to study as a toolmaker.


After four years of study, Hans Hürlimann went to Germany, where he tried to work in his specialty, but in vain, he could not find a permanent job.


Hürliman even thinks about emigrating to the USA, but then he receives an offer to work as a seller of agricultural machinery and related products at HOEGGER.


Hans agrees and very quickly makes a career in this field, rising to the head of the company's sales department.


And it seems that Hürliman's life was a success, but his creative streak, love for technology showed itself.


Being engaged in sales, Hans traveled a lot to farms in Switzerland and saw that farmers lacked a tractor, sharpened for local specifics, and, most importantly, simple and at a low price.


Cheap and simple tractors have already been produced in the world, remember at least Fordson tractor, but in the USA, in Europe, such equipment was just beginning its march.


In January 1929, Hürlimann sent his employers a proposal for the production of tractors of the original design.


The proposal was received coldly. This did not cool the ardor of Hürliman at all and he sat down at the drawing board, creating a new tractor.


In August of the same year, two tractors were built in the workshop of Mr. Hess according to the design of Hürliman.


Both prototypes soon went to the Hürliman farm for testing. Hans spent all his savings on the development of tractors.


The first-born of the Hürlimann 1K8 company favorably differed from other tractors in that it sharpened for the specific conditions of Switzerland, a mountainous and boundless country that did not have even fields.


The tractor had a low center of gravity, good maneuverability. The Hürlimann 1K8 equipped with a single-cylinder, two-stroke Bernard engine model R3.


The working volume of the unit is 763 cc, power 8 hp. Maag gearbox, three gears forward and one reverse.


The engine was air-cooled, so a special system had to be built so that it did not overheat under certain operating conditions.


Despite the unsightly appearance, there was a demand for tractors by Hürlimann.


They asked for 2600 Swiss francs for the apparatus. This is a very reasonable price for a tractor in the early thirties for Switzerland.


The Hürlimann 1K8 tractor did not last long.


At the end of 1930, it replaced by more advanced, and most importantly, nice tractor models.

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