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HANOMAG Tractor PDF Manuals

Hanomag 25HP Tractor Service Manual
Hanomag 25HP Tractor Service Manual
Hanomag 25HP Tractor Service Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 652.7 KB
Hanomag 35HP 50HP Tractors Service Manual
Hanomag 35HP 50HP Tractors Service Manual
Hanomag 35HP 50HP Tractors Service Manua
Adobe Acrobat Document 438.3 KB

Hanomag Stark Tractor Service Manual
Hanomag Stark Tractor Service Manual
Hanomag Stark Tractor Service Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 917.9 KB
Hanomag TR45 60 65 80 85 115 145 Tractors Service Manual
Hanomag TR45 60 65 80 85 115 145 Tractors Service Manual
Hanomag TR45 60 65 80 85 115 145 Tractor
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB

Hanomag TR145C
Hanomag TR145C
Hanomag R 16
Hanomag R 16

Some Hanomag History Facts

4 PDF Operator's Manuals with Electric Wiring Diagrams for HANOMAG Tractors.


After the 50s, the Hanomag company began to slow down greatly: one of the troubles was an unsuccessful line of tractors with two-stroke engines, another reason for the financial troubles of the company was a somewhat bloated line of models and a large number of modifications, which led to too high production costs.


Production dispersed piecemeal, starting with joint ventures and ending with the complete buyout of areas.


In 1958, Hanomag merged with the steel company Rheinstahl, which also absorbed the mechanical engineering company Tempo-Werk.


The “Newborn” concern produced trucks under the Hanomag-Henschel brand.


One of the co-owners of the concern was Daimler-Benz AG, which by 1971 completely bought out the enterprise.


So, in 1964, Reinstal took control of the Henschel-Werke company. Thus the Hanomag-Henschel brand is born.


In 1965, the same Rheinstahl bought the company Vidal & Sohn Tempo-Werk, which had been Hanomag’s partner since 1955, and Tempo Matador E began to be sold under the name Hanomag-Henschel F20-F35, depending on the total weight.


Later these cars would become known as Mercedes Benz L206/306.


In 1967, trucks of the F45-F86 series appeared. Square cabins became a characteristic feature.


But in 1969, Rheinstahl sold the tractor division to Massey Ferguson, and 51% of the shares to Daimler-Benz AG, which bought the automobile division in 1971.


A restructuring of the production program is taking place, so models that have analogues in the production program of Daimler-Benz disappear from the model range, and the line of F45 series trucks disappears.


Instead, under the name Hanomag-Henschel F45, the Mercedes T2 series sold, but the F25 front-wheel drive van also produced under the Mercedes brand.


But the vans of the F45-F86 series also did not disappear from the face of the earth; the equipment was sold to the Steyr company and the F45-F86 was produced under the guise of Steyr 590/690 until 1986.


In 1974, Mercedes abandoned the use of the Hanomag-Henschel brand.


Today the name Hanomag used only on construction equipment of a subsidiary company owned by Komatsu - Komatsu Hanomag GmbH.

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