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HAMM Roller Tractor Manuals PDF

Hamm HD13 HD14 Tandem Roller Tractor Operating Manual
Hamm HD13 HD14 Tandem Roller Tractor Operating Manual
Hamm HD13 HD14 Tandem Roller Tractor Ope
Adobe Acrobat Document 8.9 MB
Hamm HD70 HD070 HD75 HD075 HD75-4 Asphalt Roller Tractor Operating Manual
Hamm HD70 HD070 HD75 HD075 HD75-4 Asphalt Roller Tractor Operating Manual
Hamm HD70 HD070 HD75 HD075 HD75-4 Asphal
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.6 MB

Hamm HD14 Asphalt Roller Tractor
Hamm Roller Tractor

Hamm Roller Tractors History

Above on the page there are several PDF Manuals for HAMM Tandem Roller Tractors.


In 1878 brothers Franz and Anton Hamm founded the Gebruder HAMM engineering plant in Tirschenreuth, Germany. In 1899, an agricultural machinery company became quite famous and prosperous.


In 1911, the world's first road roller designed and launched on the market. A special feature was the fact that in the age of steam engines, the HAMM road roller tractor powered by diesel. HAMM sales are growing and since 1928 the company exclusively dedicated to the development and production of road roller tractors.


In 1932, Alois Hamm develops and patents a new machine model: the first HAMM road roller with all driven and steerable tires.


In the early 50s, HAMM introduced its products to the world market.


Since 1932 to 1970, HAMM was virtually the single manufacturer of all-wheel drive tandem roller tractor worldwide. During this time, the world was experiencing a boom in road construction and this type of seal was used by companies all over the world.


In 1963, the company launched the first pneumatic roller tractor with all drive and steer wheels.


In 1983 the designers of the company carried out the first field tests of the new oscillation technique and in 1989 the serial production of the HAMM vibratory rollers began.

In 1992, HAMM, in cooperation with Wirtgen, added hydrostatic soil stabilizers and soil processing machines to its product portfolio.


1999 HAMM AG, together with Wirtgen and Vögele, is part of the Wirtgen Group.


In 2004, the HAMM generation of tandem roller tractors in the DV series launched: the first rollers to give the driver the ability to always look in the direction of travel.


Since 2007, HAMM launched a new range of compact HD tandem rollers. The HD articulated tandem roller series was introduced in 2009.


In 2008 HAMM AG expands its Tirschenreuth plant. Currently, it is the most modern plant in the world for the production of this type of equipment.


Today, HAMM AG is the oldest manufacturer of road rollers in Germany. Manufactured products: single drum rollers, smooth drum rollers, combined rollers, pneumatic rollers, tracked asphalt pavers. HAMM sold in almost all countries of the world. HAMM rental is also very popular.


The company is headquartered in Tirschenreuth, Germany.

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