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GOLDONI Tractor Manuals PDF

Goldoni Universal Tractor Operator's Manual
Goldoni Universal Tractor Operator's Manual
Goldoni Universal Tractor Operator's Man
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB
Goldoni Compact Tractor Operating Manual
Goldoni Compact Tractor Operating Manual
Goldoni Compact Tractor Operating Manual
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.8 MB
Goldoni Idea Tractor Operating Manual
Goldoni Idea Tractor Operating Manual
Goldoni Idea Tractor Operating Manual PD
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB

Goldoni Maxter 60 RS Tractor
Goldoni Energy 80 Cab Tractor

Goldoni Tractors History

Above on the page there are several PDF Manuals for GOLDONI Tractors.


Due to their excellent quality, Goldoni tractors highly valued by consumers who demand from the machine, first of all, reliability for every day.


The positive characteristics, as well as the manifestation of a professional approach, led to cooperation: every year 1,000 tractors created in GOLDONI produced in green and yellow colors for JOHN DEERE.


Tractors Goldoni of the Energy series are the optimal assistant for work in vineyards and orchards.


Powerful and reliable, easy to maintain, it provides excellent performance.


These tractors are ideal partners when it comes to working in the challenging environments that specialty crops grow in.


One of the characteristic features of Energy series tractors is their compact size.


Goldoni STAR 100 tractor. 4-cylinder VM 95.2 HP engine.


Number of tractor gears 8 forward + 8 reverse, with reverse / 16 + 8, with 3 synchronizers, equipped with the original transmission, called "two in one", with reverse and synchronization, allowing you to change the number of gears to increase the operations of working with attachments .


EU standard swivel hook, 3-point hitch class 1-2.


Goldoni BASE 20 minitractor.

2-cylinder VM 22 HP Lombardini engine. Number of tractor gears 6 forward + 3 reverse, 540/750 PTO air-cooled.

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