3 FORD Tractor Operator's Manuals PDF presented higher on the page.
Henry Ford and his son created a separate company specializing in the production of tractors. By the way, hence the name Ford & Son.
To reduce the cost of production as much as possible, Ford decided to make the most of the parts from its already existing cars.
The engine here is practically a copy of the engine installed on the Ford T, simply adapted to run on kerosene. Its power is about 20 hp.
A water pump was also added to the standard package when it turned out that thermosyphon cooling was not enough during operation.
The engine starts on gasoline, after which the power must be switched to kerosene. Fuel enters the carburetor by gravity, ignition from magneto.
The gearbox is three-speed, and each of the speeds is autonomous. You cannot change gear while driving. Here, which one you turned on, on that one you get under way and go.
Worm-type rear axle reducer. A strange and short-lived decision, which Ford obviously went for in order to reduce the cost of production, and what to hide, for the sake of a separate direction of its business - the sale of spare parts.
The production of Fordson in the United States became unprofitable and in 1928 it phased out.
In Britain, oddly enough, the tractor was popular and produced right up to the early sixties. True, in a modernized form, with a more reliable gearbox.