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BOMAG Roller Tractor Manuals PDF

BOMAG BMP 8500 Compactor Operator's Manual
BOMAG BMP 8500 Compactor Operator's Manual
BOMAG BMP 8500 Compactor Operator's Manu
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.9 MB
BOMAG BW100 120 125 Tandem Roller Operating Manual
BOMAG BW100 120 125 Tandem Roller Operating Manual
BOMAG BW100 120 125 Tandem Roller Operat
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB

BOMAG BW145DH-3 Roller Operating Maintenance Manual
BOMAG BW145DH-3 Roller Operating Maintenance Manual
BOMAG BW145DH-3 Roller Operating Mainten
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB
BOMAG Telematic User Manual
BOMAG Telematic User Manual
BOMAG Telematic User Manual PDF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.5 MB

BOMAG BW216 PDH-4 Roller
Bomag BW 211 Roller

History of BOMAG

4 BOMAG Asphalt Roller Tractor Operator's Manuals PDF presented higher on the page.


The German company Bomag, founded by two engineers from Germany - Karl-Heinz Schwamborn and Benno Kalteneger, has been developing and manufacturing sealing technology for more than 60 years.


By 1970, the company become a leader in the vibratory roller tractor market and entered the US market.


In the 1980s, the first 28-ton hydrostatically driven debris compactor appeared, and in the 90s it released a system for automatically adjusting the vibrating force depending on the characteristics of the surface.


To this day, Bomag holds a leading position in the world market for technology and equipment in the field of paving, compaction and stabilization of the pavement, producing a wide range of specialized machines from lightweight plate compactors to asphalt pavers.


The company's line includes 250 types of serial and custom products.


In addition to 4 main enterprises located in Germany, Italy, USA and China, there are 12 branches and more than 400 dealers in 150 countries.


The Bomag vibratory roller tractor gained popularity due to successful technical solutions, long service life, as well as ease of maintenance and management.


The Variomatic system, developed in the 90s of the last century, made it possible to increase the efficiency of the equipment, which aroused consumer interest.


Among the main advantages of the equipment, it is also worth noting:


- endurance and unpretentiousness of the equipment;

- low unit costs;

- insensitivity to fuel quality;

- the ability to work on slopes up to 63%;

- operation in extreme climatic conditions at temperatures up to +54°C.

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